County Size & Rank The County ranks #98 in population and #149 in land area of the 159 counties in the State. We are 179.1 square miles in land and water. Population (county) 13,147 April 1990 Census County 18,664 projection for 2000 19,200 projection for 2002 Industry & Business
Sales Tax State 4% + local 1% = 5% Local Option Sales Tax = 2% Total Sales Tax = 7% Property Tax Incorporated: Rate - 23.12 effective property tax - $23.12 per $1,000 of taxable value* Unincorporated: Rate - 19.91 effective property tax - $19.93 per $1,000 of taxable value* * Property is assessed at 40% of fair market value. Property owners residing on property may qualify for homestead exemption. Check with the Tax Commissioner at (212) 555-4321. Autos Automobiles taxed at time of tag purchase. Based upon make and model. Personal State Income Tax 6% average. Based upon income plus the number of people in the household. Healthcare The area offers 5 medical facilities staffed with competent medical doctors, 6 chiropractors, 1 home health agency, 9 dentists, mental health services, 2 assisted living facilities and one nursing home along with a local public health center. Adequate emergency medical ambulance service is provided by Medical Center and Anytown Hospital. The county has a 911 address system that aids emergency people in getting to locations as quickly as possible. A number of high tech state-of-the-art medical facilities are available in nearby Othertown and Newtown when major attention and complex surgical procedures are needed. Communications
Employment Rate Civilian labor force estimates: Labor Force - 6,645 Employed - 6,324 Unemployed - 321 Unemployment Rate - 4.8% Source: Department of Labor Churches The County is proud to claim that we are home to over 75 churches of various denominations: Baptist, Methodist, Holiness, Church of Christ, Church of God, Jehovah's Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Catholic and Independent. The Chamber of Commerce has a listing of local churches. E-mail or call the chamber for a copy. |
Upcoming meetings: August 10 Alive After Five October 2 Quarterly Membership Meeting |